SWAP’n’GO & BBQ FAQs – SWAP’n’GO Pricing FAQs

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Home 9 SWAP’n’GO® Blogs 9 SWAP’n’GO & BBQ FAQs – SWAP’n’GO Pricing FAQs

29 Jun, 2023 | SWAP’n’GO® Blogs

In this article:

Tips and hacks on using a BBQ, BBQ safety and SWAP'n'GO FAQs answered - duration, where to swap, refill or swap, ownership, disposal and more...


Does it matter what SWAP’n’Go gas bottle size I buy for my BBQ?

No, either 8.5kg and 3.7kg SWAP’n’GO® gas bottle can power a standard BBQ.

Do I own the SWAP’n’GO gas bottle I receive?

Yes, when you purchase or swap a SWAP’n’GO gas bottle, you own the gas bottle you receive.

When your cylinder is empty it is then your choice whether you swap it for another full gas bottle or find a local refiller to refill your gas bottle.

Gas bottle refund? Can I return my SWAP’n’GO gas bottle and get a gas bottle refund if I don’t need it anymore?

Unfortunately, there is no basis for issuing a gas bottle refund.

When you purchase or swap a SWAP’n’GO gas bottle, you then own the gas bottle you receive. 

If you no longer need your gas bottle, you can consider giving to family, friends or perhaps a local club that runs sausage sizzle fund raising events.

Check with your local council recycling centre as they may accept them for disposal, or alternatively you can leave the BBQ gas bottle at your nearest SWAP’n’GO retailer for recycling.

Where can I swap my BBQ gas bottle for a new one?

You can swap at any SWAP’n’GO dealer.

You can find your local SWAP’n’GO dealer in our Store Locator.


SWAP’n’GO Pricing: SWAP’n’GO Gas Prices (swap and go gas bottle prices or swap & go prices)
Gas Bottle Sizes
SWAP’n’GO Gas Bottle Prices
Low Range*
SWAP’n’GO Gas Bottle Prices
Upper Range*
8.5 kg gas bottle swap price
 Upper $20s
3.7 kg gas bottle swap price
 Mid $30s
  8.5 kg gas bottle swap price vary as they are set independently by the dealers and are indicative only.
Some 8.5 kg gas bottle swap price may be outside of these ranges, particularly in remote areas.


Swap and Go Prices - Swap and Go Gas Bottle Prices

SWAP’n’GO vs refill is faster

SWAP’n’GO vs refill gas bottles is safer

No waiting to refill gas bottle at petrol station

SWAP’n’GO gas bottles  refills are always in date

With SWAP’n’GO vs refill, you know it has been filled correctly and double leak checked.

Swap any 9kg or 4kg BBQ gas bottle sizes at your local SWAP’n’GO® gas bottles outlet

No problem. You can purchase a full SWAP’n’GO gas bottle refill without a trade-in at any of our convenient SWAP’n’GO Locations.

In Australia, LPG is propane. For more information, see:

Propane? LPG? What’s what?    Also… What is Propane Gas?

How Long Will a 9kg Gas Bottle Last

A 9kg gas bottle will last about 7 to 8 days cooking a meal a day on a 4 burner BBQ grill, assuming a one hour cook time per meal. A 9kg gas bottle (patio gas) will last about 29 hours, when cooking with a small 2 burner compact BBQ used on high. It will last even longer on lower settings or if only one burner is turned on.

It really depends on the gas burner and gas consumption rating of the BBQ or patio heater being used.

For an easy to use duration table showing common BBQ and Patio Heater sizes, please see:

How Long Will a 9kg Gas Bottle Last?

Everyone wants to get the full value out of their BBQ gas bottle refill.

The simple solution that many people use is to have a second SWAP’n’GO gas bottle.

Then, you can run your first BBQ gas bottle completely dry and quickly switch bottles without a frantic run to your local servo.  You can then swap the empty BBQ gas bottle at a more convenient time.

Don’t have a second BBQ gas bottle?

No problem.

You can purchase a second full SWAP’n’GO BBQ gas bottle refill (patio gas bottle) without a trade-in.

Refiller gasDue to the popularity of SWAP’n’GO gas bottles, staffing issues and safety concerns, all of the major oil marketing companies removed refilling from their company owned sites pre-2010.  A big reason was no waiting to refill gas bottle at petrol station.

The remaining refillers are independent service station operators and multi-site groups, although some have major oil company branding.

The numbers have now stabilised and no further significant reduction of refiller sites is expected.

Elgas is one of the largest suppliers of LPG to BBQ gas bottle refillers and we support them as well as our SWAP’n’GO network.

In fact, many of our independent customers have both SWAP’n’GO and Elgas BBQ gas bottle refill gas.

At Elgas, we pride ourselves on our BBQ gas bottle safety.

All SWAP’n’GO BBQ gas bottle refills are either new or quality checked and have been refurbished by trained technicians.

Please also see BBQ Gas Bottle Safety Tips

Please see Gas Bottles in the Sun

  • LPG gas bottle storage is best outdoors in a well ventilated space.
  • LPG gas bottle storage should never be stored indoors.
  • LPG gas bottle storage should always be stored upright.
  • Do not have LPG gas bottle storage near an ignition source.
  • If you store your BBQ or patio heater indoors, when not in use, you should always detach the BBQ gas bottle first and store it separately outdoors.

Turning your BBQ off at the BBQ gas bottle first is both safer and could save you money!  Please see:

Turn Your BBQ Off at the Gas Bottle First

condemned gas bottlesFirst, please do not put your old gas bottles into general waste or metal refuse bins, as it can cause a safety hazard for the tip workers.
To safely recycle your old gas bottle, contact ELGAS on 131 161.

Please see What to do with Old Gas Bottles

BBQ on unit balconyThere may be By-Law and lease restrictions on using a BBQ on a unit balcony.

There are also a number of other issues that need to be considered.

Please see Using a Gas BBQ on a Unit Balcony for more details

Caravan gas bottlesIs there a special type of BBQ gas bottle (patio gas bottle) required for caravan use?

How many BBQ gas bottles can you have on a caravan?

Please see Facts About BBQ Gas Bottles for Caravans


How can I tell if the SWAP’n’GO gas cylinder I will receive is full?

Every SWAP’n’GO gas cylinder is precision filled on a digital scale to either 8.5kg (large bottles) or 3.7kg (medium bottles) and then leak tested by ELGAS technicians.

SWAP’n’GO gas cylinders are then fitted with either black tamper plugs, or yellow tamper plugs and yellow seals which indicates that the gas cylinder has been quality checked and filled to safe industry standards.

How long will an 8.5kg SWAP’n’GO gas cylinder last?

It really depends on the gas burner and gas consumption rating of the BBQ or patio heater being used.

An 8.5kg gas bottle will last about 7 to 8 days cooking a meal once a day on a 4 burner BBQ grill assuming a one hour cook time per meal, or up to 29 hours when cooking with a small 2 burner compact BBQ used on high.

If just one burner is on, or lower settings are used, it will last even longer.

Does SWAP’n’GO accept out-of-date BBQ gas cylinders?

Out of date test stamp

Yes, we can accept BBQ gas cylinders that are past their expiry for no charge. 

Where possible we will always try to recycle out-of-date cylinders by refurbishing them, inspecting and retesting them at our certified test stations, and then stamping them with a new test date.

Eric Hahn
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Steve Reynolds

Technical Consultant

Steve Reynolds is a leading expert in the LPG industry with over 22 years of experience. As part of the national management team at ELGAS, Steve ensures the safe and efficient storage, handling, and transportation of LPG. He serves as the lead investigator for incidents and collaborates with authorities on industry developments.

Steve is a technical advisor to Standards Australia and Gas Energy Australia (GEA), and an active member of the World LPG Association (WLPGA), contributing to global standards and technical reviews. He holds a BSc. (Hons) in Industrial Chemistry from UNSW and has held senior safety and technical roles at ELGAS, making him a trusted authority in LPG safety and standards.