Weight of Full & Empty LPG Gas Bottles - How much does a full 8.5kg gas bottle weigh - How much does a 3.7kg gas bottle weigh when full

9kg Gas Bottle Weight – How Much Does a 9kg Gas Bottle Weigh When Full – 8.5 kg Gas Bottle

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Home 9 Business LPG Blogs 9 9kg Gas Bottle Weight – How Much Does a 9kg Gas Bottle Weigh When Full – 8.5 kg Gas Bottle

In this article:

Learn how much does a full 8.5kg gas bottle weigh? How much does a 3.7kg gas bottle weigh when full?

9kg Gas Bottle Weight – How Much Does a 9kg Gas Bottle Weigh When Full – 8.5 kg Gas Bottle

The 9kg gas bottle weight full (8.5 kg gas bottle), for SWAP’n’GO gas bottles, includes the weight of the 8.5kg gas bottle plus the 8.5kg of LPG, which is approximately 17.5kg.

Similarly, the 45kg of the LPG plus the empty weight of the bottle is how much a 45kg gas bottle weighs when full, which is approximately 78kg.

Full Weight = Empty (Tare) Weight + Weight of the Contents.

Knowing the weight of full and empty LPG gas bottles – is important.

It is arguably the best way to determine how much gas is left.

Weight of LPG (Contents) = Full Weight – Empty Weight

Gas Bottle Empty Weight (Tare Weight) 9kg Gas Bottle – 8.5kg Gas Bottle

The empty weight of a 8.5kg gas bottle is the tare weight.

Tare weight is synonymous with empty weight or unladen weight.

9kg gas bottleGas bottles typically have the “tare weight” stamped into the metal neck ring.

It is sometimes abbreviated as “T.W.”.

Not all tare weights are equal, even if it is the same size gas bottle (e.g. 9kg or 20lb).

For example, the tare weight of steel SWAP’n’GO 8.5kg gas bottle typically ranges from 7.8 to 10.4 kg and some exceptions may even fall outside of this range.

This is as a result of the manufacturing variances between all of the different gas bottle manufacturers.

The variances for SWAP’n’GO gas bottles and others include different dimensions and dissimilar thicknesses of steel used in the manufacturing of the vessels.

This blog includes two LPG conversion charts (towards the end) with all of the tare weights for common Australian gas bottle sizes and US propane tank sizes.

There is also information regarding Indian 14.2kg domestic cooking gas cylinders.

LPG (Propane) Specific Gravity – Density

When determining the weight of the contents, it is important to know that the density of LPG – propane – is only about half that of water.

LPG densityUnlike water, 1kg of LPG does NOT equal 1L of LPG.

1 pint of propane does not weigh ≈ 1lb.  It actually weighs 0.51lbs.

This is because the density or specific gravity of LPG is less than water.

In countries where LPG is propane (e.g. Australia and USA), 1kg of LPG has a volume of 1.96L.

Conversely, 1L of LPG weighs 0.51kg.

1 US gallon of propane weighs approximately 4.23lbs, instead of the 8.34lbs it would weigh if it was water.

Net Weight of the LPG (Propane)

The net weight is the weight of the actual contents.

The units of measure can vary based on location and method of delivery.

In metric units, kilograms (kg) are units of mass generally used when cylinders are refilled on an exchange basis.

Litres are used when the LPG is supplied by tanker and must be converted to kilograms to determine net or gross weight.

Pounds are used in countries that use the imperial or United States customary units of measure for mass, when cylinders are refilled on an exchange basis.

Gallons are used when the propane is supplied by tanker and must be converted to pounds to determine net or gross weight.

8.5 kg Gas Bottle Full Weight = Gross Weight

As an example, the full weight of the 8.5 kg gas bottle, is the combination of the tare weight and net weight.

In other words, the full weight is equal to the weight of the empty gas bottle plus the weight of the LPG contents.

Full Weight = Empty Weight + Weight of the Contents.

Determining Weight of SWAP’n’GO 3.7kg or 8.5kg Gas Bottle Using a ScaleWeight of Full & Empty Propane Tanks - LPG Gas Bottles

With small SWAP’n’GO gas bottles (3.7kg or 8.5kg gas bottle) you can determine how much gas is contained in the bottle by weighing it on a scale.

Just place it on the scale to get the full weight and then subtract the tare weight value to determine the amount of LPG contained within the gas bottle.

How Much Does a 9kg Gas Bottle Weigh When Full? SWAP’n’GO 8.5 kg Gas Bottle

How much does a 9kg gas bottle weigh when full (8.5 kg gas bottle)?

With SWAP’n’GO gas bottles, a 9kg gas bottle weighs 7.8 to 10.4 kg when empty and 16.2kg to 18.9kg when filled with 8.5kg of gas (8.5kg gas bottle). (approximate)

This 9kg gas bottle weight will vary based on the weight of 9kg gas bottle empty, as there are considerable variances between the various gas bottle manufacturers. The same is true for 4kg gas bottles.

A 4kg gas bottle at SWAP’n’GO weighs 4.5 to 6.6kg empty and 8.2kg to 10.3kg when filled with 3.7kg of gas, with SWAP’n’GO gas bottles. (approximate)

Gas Bottle Size & Tare Weight Charts

Two 45kg gas bottlesThe first chart is for countries that use the standard metric system, whilst the second chart is for imperial or United States customary units of measure.

The following are common LPG gas bottle sizes and approximate tare weights for Australia (including SWAP’n’GO gas bottles):

Tare Weights & Full Weights of Common LPG Gas Bottle Sizes

Weight of Contents Only  Content Volume in Litres Tare (Empty) Weight  Total Full Weight
3.7kg 7.25L 3.7kg 9.2kg
8.5kg 16.6L 9kg 17.5kg
15kg 29L 10kg 25kg
18kg 35L 18kg 36kg
45kg 88L 33kg 78kg
90kg 176L 65kg 155kg
210kg 411L 140kg 350kg

All weights shown are approximate.

India 14.2kg Gas Cylinders Tare Weight & Full Weight

I see frequent enquiries regarding the weight of domestic cooking gas cylinders in India.

14.2kg gas bottle from IndiaThe standard cooking gas cylinder in India has a net weight of 14.2kg ± 150 grams.

The empty cylinders have a tare weight of approximately 15.3kg.

The tare weight will vary from cylinder to cylinder, as the result of manufacturing variances.

The exact tare weight is printed on the individual cylinders.

Tare Weight + 14.2kg = Full Weight

That means that the gross weight of a full 14.2kg cylinder is approximately 29.5kg.

What is the Amount of Liquid in 14.2 kg LPG Gas Cylinder?

It’s actually a 14.2 kg LPG gas cylinder, if we are talking about India.

To calculate volume, in litres, takes some simple arithmetic.

For LPG (propane) 1kg = 1.96L.  Therefore, 14.2kg = 27.832L

For LPG (butane) 1kg = 1.724L.  Therefore, 14.2kg = 24.48L

With a 75:25 butane-propane mix, 1kg = 1.783L.

Therefore, there is 25.34L in a 14.2 kg LPG gas cylinder.

Please be aware that unlike water, 1kg of LPG does NOT equal 1L of LPG.

This is because the density or specific gravity of LPG is less than water.

In Australia, where LPG is propane, 1kg of LPG has a volume of 1.96L.
Conversely, 1L of LPG weighs 0.51kg.

How Many Gallons are in a 100 Pound Propane Tank?

A pound of propane equates to 0.236 gallons.

Therefore, a 100lb propane tank contains 23.6 gallons.

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