Mega Joules: MJ to kWh – KJ to MJ – MJ to KJ – MJ to Joules – Megajoules to Kilowatts

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Home 9 Residential LPG Blogs 9 Mega Joules: MJ to kWh – KJ to MJ – MJ to KJ – MJ to Joules – Megajoules to Kilowatts

22 Apr, 2024 | Residential LPG Blogs

In this article:

What is a megajoule and why does it matter when I buy a gas heater? MJ/hr indicates gas consumption of the appliance, not the heat output...

Mega Joules: MJ to kWh – KJ to MJ – MJ to KJ – MJ to Joules – Megajoules to Kilowatts

Mega joules (megajoules – MJ) is a unit of energy typically represented by the symbol “MJ”.

Megajoules per hour (MJ/hr) indicates gas consumption of the appliance, not the heat output.

The prefix “mega” infers one million and mega joules (megajoules – MJ) equals 1,000,000 joules, an SI unit of energy with the plural “mega joules” or MJ.

So, MJ to joules is 1 MJ to 1,000,000 joules.

The prefix “kilo” infers one thousand so 1 kilojoule equals 1,000 joules

So, for KJ to MJ (KJ to megajoules or kilojoules to megajoules), 1,000 KJ equals 1 MJ

The inverse is MJ to KJ. For MJ to KJ,  is 1 MJ equals 1,000 KJ

For, MJ to joules (MJ to J) , 0.001 MJ equals 1 J (joules)

What are megajoules (mega joules – MJ) and why does it matter when I buy a gas heater?

What size gas heater should I buy?

Many people think they know but you might be surprised by the real answer…

What is a MJ – Mega joules?

What is MJ – Megajoule♦ MJ is the symbol for Megajoules (mega joules – MJ), which is a unit of measure relating to energy.

♦ Mega joules (megajoules – MJ) are based on a joule, which is the standard unit of energy in the International System of Units.

♦ As “mega” is the prefix for one million, for MJ to J (MJ to joules), a megajoule (MJ) equals one million (1,000,000) joules (J).

♦ The energy content of LPG and natural gas are both measured in mega joules (megajoules – MJ).

♦ In the context of a gas appliance, mega joules indicates the consumption of gas per hour – MJ/hr.

♦ Mega joules are sometimes incorrectly referred to as the heat output of a gas appliance.  It is not.

♦ Kilowatt (kW) is the correct unit of measure for expressing heat output.

♦ How is megajoules (megajoules – MJ) pronounced? Say it as if it were spelled “mega jewel” or “mega jewels”, not “mega jowl”.

Keep reading for the details on all of the above…

MJ to kWh (MJ kWh) – Megajoules to kWH – Megajoules to Kilowatt Hours

MJ to kWh, megajoules to kilowatt or hours, megajoules to kWh, megajoules to kilowatt hour and megajoules to kWh are just five ways to say the same thing.

MJ to kWh is probably more correctly stated as MJ/hr to kWh, as then both are consumption over time.

For megajoules to kilowatt hours or MJ to kWh (MJ/hr to kWh), 1 megajoule (MJ) = 0.278 kWh.

So, 1 MJ to 0.278 kWh

kWh to Megajoules – kWh to MJ

kWh to Megajoules (kWh to MJ) is the measure of heat output to gas input.

1kilowatt (kWh) equates to 3.6 mega joules (MJ).

3.6 mega joules of input equals 1 kilowatt hour of output at 100% efficiency.

so, 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ

MJ to KJ – Megajoules to Kilojoules

How many megajoules to kilojoules (MJ to KJ)?

There is 0.001 megajoules (MJ) to 1 kilojoules (KJ).

So, for MJ to KJ, 1 MJ to 1,000 KJ

KJ to MJ, KJ to Megajoules or Kilojoules to Megajoules

How many KJ to MJ – kilojoules to megajoules or KJ to megajoules?

There are 1000 kilojoules (KJ) to 1 megajoules (MJ).

So, for KJ to MJ (KJ to megajoules), 1000 KJ to 1 MJ

MJ to Joules, MJ to J or J to MJ

For MJ to joules (MJ to J) There is 0.000001 MJ in 1 joules (J)

Conversely, there are 1,000,000 Joules (J) in 1 MJ

So, for MJ to joules, 1MJ = 1,000,000 J

Mega joules is NOT Heat Output

I once watched a product video produced by a major Australian retailer.

In it, a “Product Expert” reviews a Rinnai gas heater.

The problem was that the presenter lost me in the second sentence when he said:  “That’s 13 mega joules of heat.”

This is an incorrect statement and perpetuates a common misconception that mega joules represents heater output, as opposed to gas input.

Gas Consumption is in Megajoules per Hour (MJ/hr) — Not Just Mega joules (MJ)

Gas Consumption is in “MJ/hr”Megajoules per Hour (MJ/hr) ratings on appliances actually indicate the gas consumption of the appliance, not the heat output.

On the other hand, heat output must also take into account the relative energy efficiency ratings of the models being compared.

The Mega joules per Hour (MJ/hr) gas consumption rate is often erroneously expressed as just “MJ”.

This is how MJ is frequently used in reference to gas appliances.

Kilowatt to Megajoules, kW to Megajoules or kW to MJ

Kilowatts (kW) is how gas heater output is measured.

To convert kW to megajoules or kilowatt to megajoule (kW to MJ),kW to MJ conversion:

1kilowatt (kW) equals 3.6 mega joules (MJ).

3.6 mega joules of input equals 1 kilowatt of output at 100% efficiency.

so, for kw to megajoules is 1 kW = 3.6 MJ

Megajoules to Kilowatts, MJ kW or MJ to kW or Megajoules to kW

Heat Output = Kilowatts or kW

To convert MJ to kW, convert megajoules to kilowatts or megajoules to kW (MJ kW):

So, 1 MJ = 0.278 kW.

However, no gas appliance is 100% efficient.

That is why we have Star Ratings, so we can compare relative efficiency between models.

Appliance output is often expressed as just kW.

What about kWh to MJ – Kilowatt Hours to Megajoules

kWh to MJ (kilowatt hours to megajoules) is the cumulative consumption of energy over time, measured by the hour.

kWh to MJ (mega joules) is probably better stated a kWh to MJ/hour, as both are units of energy over time, measured by the hour.

For kWh to MJ (kWh to MJ/hr):

So, 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ

MJ to kWh (MJ kWh) – Megajoules to kWH – Megajoules to Kilowatt Hours

MJ to kWh is probably more correctly stated as MJ/hr to kWh, as then both are consumption over time.

For MJ to kWh (MJ/hr to kWh), 1 megajoule (MJ) = 0.278 kWh or better stated as

So, 1 MJ = 0.278 kWh

Gas Heating

Gas heating is the heating of a room or outdoor area using a gas space heater fueled by natural gas, LPG (propane or butane) or biogas.

Indoor gas heater types include unflued portable gas heaters, flued gas heaters, radiant gas heaters, convector gas heaters, radiant-convectors, and gas fireplaces.

Gas Heater

A gas heater is a space heater used for room heating or outdoor area heating fuelled by natural gas (including CNG and LNG) or LPG (propane, butane or a mixture of the two).

The two general types of home gas heaters are flued gas heaters (vented) and unflued gas heaters (unvented).

Energy Efficiency – Star Ratings

Energy Efficiency – Star RatingsStar ratings were developed to provide consumers with an easy way of comparing the energy efficiency of different models.

All States now require both LPG and Natural Gas heaters to be tested and certified, under AS4553, by independent testing organisations, such as the AGA and SAI Global.

The Star Rating is based on net heater efficiency.

Net heater efficiency is calculated on the basis of a combination of efficiency measures and takes into account all gas and electrical inputs.

It basically compares the amount of raw energy input consumed by the heater in comparison to the heat energy output provided.

Remember, for MJ to kWh (MJ/hr to kWh), 1 megajoule (MJ) = 0.278 kWh or better stated as 1 MJ/hr = 0.278 kWh

To convert kW to megajoules (kW to MJ), 3.6 mega joules equal 1kW at 100% efficiency.

This is calculated as a percentage and then translated into the corresponding Star Rating.

Please see Energy Efficiency & Star Ratings for Gas Heaters

What Size Gas Heater Do I Need?

What to Consider

What Size Gas Heater Do I Need?If you buy too small a heater, it will not be able to adequately heat the intended area.
Selecting a heater that is too large will cost you extra money and oversizing can be unsafe.
A number of things need to be considered when determining your heater sizing:
♦  The volume of the area to be heated including consideration of ceiling height.
♦  The climate zone that you live in.
♦  The physical features of your home including wall & ceiling insulation, window coverings and carpeting.
♦  The MJ to kWh or kW to MJ (kWh to MJ) output of the gas heater, not to be confused with the gas megajoule MJ input.

Heating Area Volume & Climate Zone

The required kW output required is primarily dependent upon the area to be heater and the climate zone in which you live.
The following rough guide assumes your ceilings are no higher than 2.4M:

Very Cold Zone: 1kW output required for each 8.5m²

Cold Zone: 1kW output required for each 10m²
Cool Zone: 1kW output required for each 13 m²
Mild Zone: 1kW output required for each 16m²

Adjustment Factors

The indicated heating areas would be adjusted down by 5% for each of the following conditions: house built on pillars (non-slab), no carpets on floors, no drapes on windows or a ceiling height exceeding 2.4m.
Deduct an additional 10% if the area does not have ceiling insulation.
Please note that this is only a guide and individual home designs and situations may vary.

Gas Heater Sizing Example #1:

You live in the Cold Zone and you want to heat an area 5m X 10m, which equals 50m².
Because 1kW will heat 10m², you should need a heater with a 5kW output.

Gas Heater Sizing Example #2:

Same as the previous example but in this case your ceilings are over 2.4m and you have wood flooring instead of carpeting.
You would need to deduct 5% for each of these two items.
So, instead of 1 kW heating 10m², it would heat 9m² (10% total reduction).
This means you would need a heater with 5.6 kW of output (50 ÷ 9).

Use kW not MJ – kW to MJ – MJ to kWh

As previously explained, Mega joules per Hour (MJ/hr) ratings on appliances actually indicate the gas consumption of the appliance, not the heat output.
It is often expressed as just MJ (mega joules).
Kilowatt (kW) is how gas heater output is actually measured. kWh is output over time.
MJ to kWh or megajoules to kilowatt hours or kWh to MJ is the conversion of the mega joules rating to the amount of energy used per hour.

Energy Efficiency Matters – Star Ratings

So, for MJ to kWh or kW to MJ, remember to use kW as a comparison and not MJ.
The efficiency of the heater, in converting gas energy to heat, is a key factor.
For MJ to kWh or kW to MJ example, a 25MJ heater with a 5.8 Star rating has an output of 6.2kW.
A 25MJ heater with a 2.8 Star rating only has an output of 5.0kW.
As a result, in a Cold Zone climate, they would heat 62m² and 50m², respectively.
This means that the 5.8 Star heater will heat an area 24% larger while using the same amount of gas.
Please refer to the manufacturers’ specifications to determine the exact kW output for each heater you are considering.

Minimum Room Sizing

Some States specify the minimum room sizing (volume of room in M³)  and minimum ventilation requirements for unflued heaters.
Minimum room sizing also varies between thermostatically controlled and manually controlled heaters.
Portable heaters should not be used in bedrooms, bathrooms or hallways.
All installations must comply with Australian Standard AS5601 – Gas Installations.
Your gas fitter will be able to guide you on many of these points.

Manufacturer Sizing Charts

To make it even easier, most manufacturers have sizing charts, for their heaters, based on climate zone maps.
Take the time to measure the area you wish to heat and use these charts and maps to get the correctly sized heater.
It is always wise to follow the manufacturers’ advice.

Final Thoughts on Mega Joules

So, now that you know about MJ to kWh or mega joules to kWh conversion, you can calculate heat output by energy input (kW to MJ).
You can also calculate MJ to kWh – mega joules to kilowatt hours or kWh to MJ.
Conversely, to calculate energy input to heat output, you can also calculate MJ to kWh or MJ to kW.
All of this should help you make an informed decision when choosing a new gas heater.

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Technical Consultant

Steve Reynolds is a leading expert in the LPG industry with over 22 years of experience. As part of the national management team at ELGAS, Steve ensures the safe and efficient storage, handling, and transportation of LPG. He serves as the lead investigator for incidents and collaborates with authorities on industry developments.

Steve is a technical advisor to Standards Australia and Gas Energy Australia (GEA), and an active member of the World LPG Association (WLPGA), contributing to global standards and technical reviews. He holds a BSc. (Hons) in Industrial Chemistry from UNSW and has held senior safety and technical roles at ELGAS, making him a trusted authority in LPG safety and standards.