LPG Car, Autogas & LPG Conversion – How Does LPG Conversion Work

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Home 9 Business LPG Blogs 9 LPG Car, Autogas & LPG Conversion – How Does LPG Conversion Work

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LPG Car, Autogas & LPG Conversion – How Does LPG Conversion Work

LPG conversion to an LPG car is when a second fuel system is added to a vehicle to use Autogas (LPG) in an internal combustion engine. The LPG car user can then choose between using either fuel. Autogas is added to save money on fuel costs. Autogas can be propane, butane or a mixture of the gases.

When LPG – liquefied petroleum gas – is used in LPG vehicles with internal combustion engines or for stationary engines, like generators, it is called Autogas.

Autogas is a varying mixture of propane and butane.

How LPG works in an engine is fundamentally the same as a gasoline (petrol) powered internal combustion engine.

The engine block, pistons, spark plugs, ignition system, lubrication system and electricals all work the same on LPG fuel, consisting of propane, butane or a blend of the two and are also referred to as natural gas liquids – NGL.

The two main differences in how LPG works in an LPG vehicles are the fuel itself and the fuel storage and intake systems.

With an octane rating of over 100, LPG works with virtually any petrol engine.

There are 25 million LPG cars & LPG vehicles worldwide.

LPG vehicles (cars) can be OEM single fuel models or dual fuel LPG vehicle conversions that run on either LPG – also known as Autogas – or petrol.

LPG Fuel – What is Autogas

LPG fuel

LPG is a fuel gas. LPG – Liquefied Petroleum Gas – is commonly called Autogas (LPG Fuel) when used as fuel for an LPG car with internal combustion engines. Autogas is either propane or a propane and butane mix.

It can also be used for fixed ICE installations, like generators.

Liquefied petroleum gas or liquid petroleum gas – LPG – also identified as propane or butane, are flammable hydrocarbon gas mixtures used as fuel in vehicles, as Autogas, as well as for home heating and cooking fuel.

LPG Gas Conversion for LPG Car

There are four main types of LPG gas conversion systems for an LPG car including LPG Liquid Phase Direct Injection (LPDI), Liquid Phase Injection (LPI), Vapour Phase Injection (VPI), and Converter-and-Mixer Systems.

The newest LPG system for LPG cars – LPDI – is also the most advanced whilst the oldest converter-mixer LPG gas systems are, by far, the least sophisticated car conversions.

LPG Gas Conversion Systems for LPG Car in Summary

Here are the four LPG conversion systems for an LPG car from newest to oldest…

  1. LPG Liquid Phase Direct Injection (LPDI) has liquid LPG injected directly into the combustion chamber. LPDI is the most advanced LPG car system.
  2. LPG Liquid Phase Injection (LPI) systems inject liquid directly into the intake manifold.
  3. LPG Vapour Phase Injection (VPI) the gas exits the converter under pressure and is injected into the intake manifold.
  4. LPG Converter-and-Mixer Systems is the oldest style LPG system. Liquid fuel converts into vapour and is then mixed with air before going into the intake manifold.

LPG Car – LPG Vehicle – How Does LPG Work

Autogas is another name for LPG – liquefied petroleum gas – when used as fuel in LPG cars with internal combustion engines.

It is typically a mixture of propane and/or butane, which can also be sued for fixed applications, like generators.

An LPG car or LPG vehicle is a vehicle that is LPG powered, instead of petrol (gasoline) or diesel. LPG vehicles can be LPG cars straight from the factory, or they can be LPG vehicle conversions.

LPG can fuel various LPG vehicles, including light commercial LPG vehicles, as well as LPG cars.

In different countries, the LPG supplied can be propane, butane or propane-butane blends.

What Does LPG Conversion Do to an Engine

In summary of LPG vs petrol engine life, is LPG good for LPG cars and does LPG damage engines:

  • LPG prevents pre-ignition (knocking) in an engine, as it is over 100 octane
  • Manufacturers offer dual-fuel models with the same warranties
  • LPG changes the fuel storage and intake systems of the engine. These are the only major differences
  • LPG conversions to engines do not affect factory warranties
  • LPG doesn’t damage engine parts
  • LPG vs petrol is cleaner burning than petrol or diesel in an engine
  • LPG may actually prolong engine life

What is an LPG Conversion?

An LPG conversion is taking a normal petrol powered vehicle and adding a secondary LPG vehicle fuel system.

Almost all vehicles fueled by petrol are convertible to LPG vehicle operation at a reasonable cost.

These dual-fuel LPG systems allow an LPG vehicle to operate on either LPG or petrol.

The petrol tank still remains in the LPG vehicle.

The driver can switch from gas to petrol or vice-versa.

The driver is typically provided with a switch and can select which fuel they choose to use.

Having two fuel tanks can double an LPG vehicle’s range.

With both the petrol and LPG tanks filled, dual fuel LPG vehicle cruising ranges of 1000km or more are not unusual.

Advantages of LPG Engines – What Does LPG Do to an Engine – How Does LPG Work

LPG engine system

What LPG does to an engine is beneficial and how does LPG work.

LPG Autogas engines have lower running costs.

LPG is typically less expensive than petrol or diesel.

Engine oil and spark plugs need changing less often with LPG vehicles, for reduced service costs.

Environmental benefits of LPG vehicles include reduced particulate, CO2 and NOx emissions.

Octane ratings over 100 allows for higher compression ratios, which can increase power output.

Different Autogas Fuel Tanks

Did you know that many new petrol cars come with plastic or composite fuel tanks?

Autogas tanks for LPG cars are typically made from welded heavy gauge steel.

Toroidal LPG fuel tankThe image shown is a toroidal LPG fuel tank in the spare tyre well.

The steel is generally 3mm to 6mm thick, depending on the tank design.

An LPG car tank design withstands many times its maximum operating pressure.

They are much more puncture resistant and will survive much greater impacts than a typical petrol or diesel tank.

The tank mounting systems are also designed to ensure that the tank will not become dislodged, even in a 20 G impact.

Modern LPG car tanks are compact space saving designs.

The new toroidal LPG tanks are donut shaped and fitted within the spare wheel well.

The spare is replaced by a small emergency inflation kit.

Four Types of Autogas Conversion Systems Explained

There are four types of Autogas fuel intake systems.

Let’s have a look at them from oldest to newest technology:

1. LPG Converter-and-Mixer Systems

Converter-and-mixer systems are the oldest style, dating back decades and still widely used.

The liquid fuel converts into vapour and is then mixed with air before going into the intake manifold.

2. LPG Vapour Phase Injection (VPI)

Vapour phase injection (VPI) systems use a converter-and-mixer system.

The gas exits the converter under pressure and is injected into the intake manifold.

Electrically controlled injectors improve the metering of fuel to the engine, fuel economy and power, and reduce emissions.

This has been the most popular type of LPG vehicle system in recent years.

3. LPG Liquid Phase Injection (LPI)

Liquid phase injection (LPI) systems inject liquid directly into the intake manifold.

That is where it vaporises, not using a converter.

The system works by pumping LPG at high pressure from the LPG vehicle tank to the engine inlet manifold via a set of liquid LPG injectors.

The injectors spray the liquid LPG into the intake manifold.

The fuel vaporising in the intake manifold cools and increases the density of the intake air.

This substantially increases power output, improves fuel economy and has lower emission, when compared to VPI systems.

4. LPG Liquid Phase Direct Injection (LPDI)

Liquid phase direct injection (LPDI) are the most advanced systems.

Liquid LPG is injected directly into the combustion chamber.

The LPG instantly vaporises, cooling the combustion chamber fuel-air mixture during the compression stroke.

This provides further performance and emission improvements.

This cooling effect increases the density of the air-fuel mixture.

So, power and torque are maintained with fewer CO2 emissions.

The effect is like intercooling on turbocharged cars.

An Electronic Control Unit (ECU) controls the various components of the liquid injection system, including the injectors.

LPG injection signal optimises the flow and LPG injection timing.

The ECU is calibrated to the specific vehicle and engine.

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