GPL Gas – GLP Gas – LPG Gasul

Why it’s Called GPL, GLP or LPG Gasul
- GPL is used in France as it is called “gaz de petrole liquefie” in French.
- GPL is also used in Italy, as the Italian version of the name is “gas di petrolio liquefatto”.
- GLP is used in Spanish speaking countries, as it is called “gas licuado de petróleo” in Spanish.
- LPG Gasul is used in SE Asia. “LPG gasul” (household gas) is the term they use in the Philippines for LPG (LPG gas). ‘Gasul’ is the Tagalog (Filipino) word for propane. “Gasul” is also used in Malaysia.
What GPL-GLP-Gasul Is
GPL-GLP gas consists of flammable hydrocarbons containing either three or four carbon atoms combined with hydrogen atoms.
GPL, GLP or LPG Gasul (LPG gas) constituents typically include either propane (C3H8) , butane (C4H10) or a mixture of the two, as GPL-GLP gas is a hydrocarbon fuel gas. Isobutane may also be present.
GPL, GLP or LPG Gasul Uses
The most common uses of GPL-GLP (LPG) are as a fuel gas in:
- GPL-GLP for Home: Gas heating, gas cooking appliances, and gas hot water heaters.
- GPL-GLP Car: Used as a fuel gas (Autogas) for LPG cars, either factory built or LPG conversion.
- GPL-GLP Commercial Gas: Used for forklift gas, commercial boilers, kilns, ovens and other heating and drying applications.
- GPL-GLP for Agricultural: Livestock and greenhouse heat, grain drying, dairy hot water, flame weeding, and more.
How GPL-GLP-Gasul is Produced – Summary
GPL-GLP (LPG) is sourced from oil wells and natural gas wells.
- Then GPL-GLP is a co-product made during natural gas processing and crude oil refining.
- GPL-GLP is separated from unprocessed natural gas using refrigeration, where it is GPL-GLP in gas.
- Heat is used to extract the GPL-GLP from the crude oil, in a distillation tower.
- In both cases, it is then compressed into a liquid, in storage vessels, and transported to the end user.
GPL-GLP Storage and Transportation
GPL-GLP (LPG) is stored as a liquid, under pressure, in gas bottles (gas cylinders) or much larger vessels for cost effective storage and transport.
It turns back into a gas when released from the storage vessel and the pressure within.
GPL-GLP is transported by road in gas bottles (gas cylinders) or much larger tanker trucks.
GPL-GLP train transport is achieved using large tank railroad cars and subsequently transferred into smaller vessels for distribution.
Ocean transport of GPL-GLP is done with large or very large tanker ships.
The tanker ships can be offloaded into underground caverns or large tank farms, followed by rail or road transport.
GPL-GLP Safety
GPL-GLP safety is covered in depth in a GPL-GLP Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Integral to GPL-GLP safety is the proper storage and transport of the gas.
GPL-GLP fumes should not be inhaled and contact with the liquid GPL-GLP can cause severe frostbite.
GPL-GLP gas leaks need to be avoided and properly managed when they occur, as there is a large risk of fire and even explosion.