BBQ Cleaning – How to Clean a BBQ Grill-Plate
You should always season the BBQ after cleaning. Pre-heat the clean BBQ and coat with cooking oil, using a brush or spray. Close the BBQ and allow it to sit for about 20 minutes then wipe the BBQ clean with a fresh damp cloth.
The best way to clean a BBQ grill is to do so after every use, whilst the BBQ grill is still hot. BBQ cleaning using a mixture of steam, a brass brush, a no scratch scrubber, soap and water to remove cooked on food debris is how to clean a BBQ.
Remove the plates and grills, begin BBQ cleaning with the brush to remove burned on food, sauces and marinades. Clean plates and grills with BBQ cleaner and rinse or put in your dishwasher.
Be careful with stainless steel, as it is easily scratched.
BBQ cleaning and the best way to clean a BBQ grill is also the easy way to clean a BBQ grill. Learn how to clean a BBQ grill the lazy man’s way with our great BBQ cleaning tips and tricks.
Check out this quick (2:57) video for how to clean a BBQ tips and tricks:
BBQ Cleaning by a Professional BBQ Cleaner
I would be remiss not to mention the option of how to clean a BBQ using the services of a professional BBQ cleaner for your BBQ cleaning needs.
Many areas have entrepreneurs who offer BBQ cleaning services. These are mobile BBQ cleaning services that come to your home. If your budget allows for a paid BBQ cleaner, this is easily the best way to clean a BBQ.
15 Ingenious BBQ Cleaning Tips & Hacks for a Glistening Clean Barbecue
Tricks and BBQ cleaning tips…
1. BBQ cleaning with steam
Place some water in an old pie tin, place on low heat and close the lid. Take care when opening (See full instructions below).
2. Use your dishwasher as an automatic BBQ cleaner
Unless huge, you BBQ grill plates and grates can be placed in the dishwasher. Remember to scrape off loose food first.
3. Brass BBQ cleaning brush is your friend
Just what you need to get burned on food off of grates and plates
4. Y-shaped BBQ cleaner brush is your other friend
Perfect for cleaning the grooves in a grill plate or between the grates
5. Using aluminium foil and kitty litter as BBQ cleaner
Just line the drip tray with aluminium foil, fill with kitty litter then lift and discard when saturated.
6. Teflon grill sheets – never cleaning a BBQ grill plate again!
Place Teflon grill sheets on top of your grill plate so you can just wipe off.
7. Onion for grill grates goes great guns for BBQ cleaning
Hold half of a cut onion on a fork and scrub over the BBQ grill grates for localised steam cleaning.
8. How to clean a BBQ lava rocks without a volcano
Either soak lava rocks in a bucket of dish detergent water or discard and replace the lava rocks, as needed.
9. No scratch scrubbers for smooth shiny stainless steel sheen & glossy gleam BBQ cleaning
Don’t scratch your stainless steel with abrasives. Use no scratch scrubbers to protect the finish.
10. Soapy water leak test for safety after BBQ cleaning
Spray the gas valve, regulator and hose with soapy water to check for leaks.
11. The final step in BBQ cleaning: Seasoning the grill
Coat clean cooking surfaces with cooking oil, turn on the heat, close the grill for about 20 minutes then wipe clean with a fresh damp cloth.
12. No high pressure BBQ cleaner
Avoid grease flying everywhere and clogging the burner.
13. No harsh BBQ cleaning chemicals
Protect your BBQ finishes and avoid a bad taste on your next use.
14. Steel wool and stainless steel don’t play well together when BBQ cleaning
Don’t scratch your stainless steel with steel wool. Use no scratch scrubbers to protect the finish.
15. BBQ cleaning with aluminium foil incineration is a no-no
Avoid permanent damage to your BBQ grill.
See more details below for all of the above BBQ cleaning tips.
Lets’ face it, no one likes BBQ cleaning. There are some simple how to clean a BBQ cleaning tips that are established as the best way to clean a BBQ quickly and easily. See how to clean a BBQ plate and how to clean stainless steel BBQ finish made easy.
We’ll tell you all about the easy way to clean BBQ grill and all of the BBQ cleaning advice but we also need to chat about the things NOT to do when BBQ cleaning.
But first, here is a summary of the best way to clean a BBQ cleaning tips for how to clean a BBQ grill…
BBQ Cleaning: How to Clean a BBQ & the Best Way to Clean a BBQ with BBQ Cleaner
The following BBQ cleaning summary is the condensed version of how to clean a BBQ…
Start BBQ cleaning by disconnecting the BBQ gas bottle then cleaning BBQ plate with a good BBQ cleaner and your best BBQ cleaning brush to remove burned on food.
Simple is the best way of cleaning a BBQ grill inside, using BBQ cleaner with warm soapy water along with your best BBQ cleaning brush.
You may also wish to try one of the BBQ cleaner sprays for sale on Amazon or elsewhere.
Rinse completely with hot water and wipe dry.
BBQ Cleaner Tools for BBQ Cleaning
There are a number of BBQ cleaner products you should consider for BBQ cleaning, including stainless steel BBQ cleaner, BBQ cleaner wipes, a Y-shaped BBQ cleaner brush for grill grooves, stone BBQ cleaner, grill brush, BBQ scrubber, and a good spray BBQ cleaner.
How to Clean a BBQ with Steam… Easily BBQ Cleaning at the Best Way to Clean a BBQ
Most have read that the best way to clean a BBQ is when it is still warm. So, for easy BBQ cleaning, learn how to clean a BBQ with our steam BBQ cleaning trick.
This BBQ cleaning trick is how to clean a BBQ grill by keeping it warm while you enjoy your BBQ meal with your guests.
Be careful to follow the how to use steam BBQ cleaning trick instruction below.
BBQ Cleaning the Inside of the Grill
Prevent grease build-up by cleaning under the BBQ lid with disposable paper towels, then wash with warm soapy water and rinse. Brush or scrape the BBQ grill grates and plates with a brush or scraper, then place in dishwasher.
How to Clean a BBQ by Machine: You Probably Already Own an Automatic BBQ Cleaning Machine
The best way how to clean a BBQ plate is the easy way. Use your dishwasher (your BBQ cleaning machine!) for cleaning a BBQ plate. Remember to give the plate a quick brush to remove any food bits and use the pot scrubber cycle.
BBQ Cleaning… Not! How to Clean a BBQ Drip Tray that Was Never Dirty
The best way how to clean BBQ drip tray is by never letting it get dirty or greasy. Using aluminium foil and kitty litter is how to clean a BBQ drip tray. You line it with aluminium foil and then discarding the foil and absorbent material, so you are never actually cleaning the tray.
After you’re done with BBQ cleaning, re-assemble gas BBQ grill grates – hot plates and replace drip tray foil, refilling with kitty litter and re-insert the BBQ drip tray
BBQ Cleaning… Not! (Part 2) How to Clean a BBQ Plate that Was Never Dirty
Once again, the best way how to clean a BBQ plate is by never letting it get dirty or greasy. Using Teflon grill sheets is how to clean a BBQ plate with almost no effort. Just wipe the Teflon sheets clean and then re-position after cleaning BBQ plate with BBQ cleaner. The BBQ plate never actually gets dirty.
How to Clean a BBQ… the Finale: Put it Back Together
Reconnect your gas bottle and check for leaks.
After BBQ cleaning a gas BBQ, run the clean gas BBQ on high for 15 minutes to burn off any remaining BBQ cleaner or soapy water.
Apply cooking oil to grates and hot plates to re-season.
BBQ Cleaning & How to Clean a BBQ Stainless Steel and Make it Shine
The best BBQ cleaning advice for how to clean a BBQ stainless steel exterior is with your favourite BBQ cleaner or stainless steel BBQ cleaning products or with warm BBQ cleaning soapy water and a soft sponge.
Remember to be careful with how to clean a BBQ stainless steel exterior and any painted surfaces.
Use non-scratch scrubbers with your favourite BBQ cleaner or stainless steel BBQ cleaning products, always test on a small area and follow the grain on any stainless steel.
Keep reading for more BBQ cleaning details, tips and tricks and Do’s & Don’ts of how to clean a BBQ…
Things that are NOT the Best Way to Clean a BBQ
How to Clean a BBQ… NOT! Harsh BBQ Cleaner Chemicals are Not the Best Way How to Clean a BBQ
Using harsh BBQ cleaner chemicals is not how to clean a BBQ. While it is tempting to just empty an entire can of BBQ cleaner or oven cleaning spray when cleaning a gas BBQ, for a BBQ cleaning shortcut, it can cause all sorts of problems.
Harsh BBQ cleaner chemicals leave a residue which can affect the taste and smell of the food for the next few barbecues, so the easy way to clean BBQ grill is not always the best way to clean a BBQ.
Strong BBQ cleaning chemicals can also do harm while cleaning stainless steel BBQ and painted finishes, as well as other components.
Of course, there are also the noxious fumes from cleaning stainless steel BBQ with harsh BBQ cleaning chemicals and the need for rubber gloves on a hot summer day, is obviously not the best way to clean a BBQ.
Don’t Abuse Your Stainless Steel BBQ
Cleaning stainless steel BBQ is a premium finish but it requires special care. Harsh BBQ cleaner chemicals can affect the finish. Mild BBQ cleaning soap and warm water is the best way how to clean stainless steel BBQ.
Rinse with clean water after cleaning stainless steel BBQ and dry the surfaces.
Use quality stainless steel BBQ cleaning products for cleaning stainless steel BBQ, to give it a nice shine.
The use of harsh BBQ cleaner chemicals and abrasive scrubbers, like steel wool or wire brushes, are to be avoided completely when cleaning stainless steel BBQ surfaces.
If you have you have stubborn stains, try a non-scratch scrubber as the best way of cleaning stainless steel BBQ finish, similar to what you would use on non-stick finish cookware.
In addition, scrub only in the direction of the graining when cleaning stainless steel BBQ finish. Do not scrub in a circular pattern or across the grain.
How to clean a BBQ safely is to test a scrubber in a discreet spot before cleaning stainless steel BBQ finish all over.
Aluminium Foil Incineration is Not How to Clean a BBQ
Using aluminium foil to trap heat and incinerate food residue is an old BBQ cleaning trick that does work but it is a potentially dangerous practice for BBQ cleaning. This is not how to clean a BBQ.
This concept of BBQ cleaning is that you cover the grills with a solid layer of foil, turn the heat up to HIGH and let the heat build-up turn the dirt to ash.
This shortcut to BBQ cleaning probably dates back to the old days when a gas BBQ was built like the proverbial brick outhouse.
However, with modern BBQ designs, this method of BBQ cleaning can result in component warping, melting, paint failure and even the risk of a gas fire.
Most manufacturers specifically recommend AGAINST this practice and it could void your warranty.
Please note, that for exactly the same reasons, you should never cook with the grills covered in foil.
Removing the Burners is Not the Best Way to Clean a BBQ Grill
Unless you are confident that you can re-assemble the LPG gas conveying bits of the BBQ exactly as they were when you disassembled them, the best way how to clean a BBQ interior is to leave all of the gas components in place.
Failure to re-assemble them correctly, after BBQ cleaning, can cause a safety hazard.
This is one time when you really need to read your owner’s manual before BBQ cleaning.
A High Pressure Cleaner is Not How to Clean a BBQ
High pressure washers as a BBQ cleaner may sound like an easy way to clean BBQ grill but they are not how to clean a BBQ grill and can cause more problems than they solve.
Aside from having grease flying everywhere in your backyard, and attracting ants, this method of BBQ cleaning can also drive grease into places, like inside the burners, where it can cause more problems.
This can affect the gas flow and the proper function of your BBQ.
Garden hoses fall into the same category.
You may wish to read the following special interest pages:
Seventeen Great BBQ Cooking Tips
How Much Gas is Left in the Gas Bottle
How Many Hours Will a BBQ Gas Bottle Last
The Easy Way to Clean BBQ Grill – BBQ Cleaning Tips
How to Clean BBQ Grill While Still Warm & How to Clean a BBQ Plate
How to clean BBQ grill while still warm… STEAM! Most have heard the BBQ cleaning tips about the best way to clean a BBQ is while it is still warm, before everything has a chance to go rock hard, which is not easy BBQ cleaning.
But this method of BBQ cleaning means that it is difficult to actually enjoy your BBQ meal with your family and friends.
However, there is a BBQ cleaning trick that lets you take your time and is the best way to clean a BBQ AFTER you enjoy your meal with your guests.
When you are done cooking, cleaning BBQ plate with BBQ cleaner and your best BBQ cleaning brush to remove burned on food.
Then take an old pie tin or other metal baking tray, fill with water and place over one of the burners. Turn on just the one BBQ burner and only enough to make it slowly boil, and then close the BBQ lid.
Think of using steam as a BBQ cleaner for BBQ cleaning and the best way to clean a BBQ.
Don’t overdo it, as you want just enough steam to keep everything soft until you get a chance for BBQ cleaning, which will be MUCH easier because the food residue has been loosened by the steam.
CAUTION! Live steam can cause scalding, so turn off the BBQ burner and wait a few minutes for the steam to dissipate before SLOWLY & CAREFULLY opening the lid.
How To Clean a BBQ Plate-Grill – Cleaning BBQ Plate
The BBQ cleaning tips for how to clean a BBQ plate-grill is with an automatic dishwasher as a BBQ cleaner. Use it to clean a BBQ hot plate-grill, unless cleaning barbecue plates that are huge, as they should fit in your dishwasher. You may find cleaning BBQ plate easier to do whilst they are still in the BBQ and warm.
Scrape or wire brush off all of the excess grease and dirt before cleaning BBQ plate in the dishwasher, to prevent clogging of the drain.
Use regular automatic dishwasher detergent and set for the POT SCRUBBER cycle (BBQ cleaner cycle!), if your washer has this feature, as an easy way of cleaning BBQ plate.
Moisture and heat will be cleaning BBQ plate for you. It is OK if they are still black when done, as long as the food and grease residue is gone.
As with your regular dish loads, you are assured of no harsh BBQ cleaner chemical residue after cleaning BBQ plate.
Remember to spray with cooking oil and heat for about 15 minutes, after cleaning BBQ plate, to re-season them.
How to Clean a BBQ Grates – Easiest Way to Clean BBQ Grill Grates
The best way to clean BBQ grates is to do so whilst the grill is still hot and after every use, to prevent build-up. Start by rubbing the hot grate with the flat side of a cut onion on a fork. The moisture in the onion continues the steam cleaning process.
Use a good BBQ cleaner and a soft cloth or your best soft brass BBQ cleaning brush to remove burned on food from the grate. How to clean a BBQ cast iron grate is by using a stiff metal BBQ cleaning brush.
You may also wish to put the grates in your dishwasher for a final clean.
How to Clean BBQ Drip Tray
There is a great BBQ cleaning tip for how to clean BBQ drip tray.
First, line it with aluminium foil. Then fill it with clean BBQ grease absorbent mix or kitty litter, which typically works just as well but usually costs less.
When the kitty litter gets saturated with grease, you can clean the BBQ drip tray by just removing, then lifting the kitty litter out with the foil. The result is an easy way to clean BBQ grill drip tray.
Keeping your grease tray clean can also help prevent potential grease fires and can make food taste better, as heating up old rancid grease does nothing for the taste and smell of your food.
How to Clean a BBQ Plate – Teflon Grill Sheets for Cleaning BBQ Plates
For under $20, you can purchase easiest way to clean a BBQ grill. Use 40x50cm non-stick grill sheet to put over your hot plate instead of cleaning BBQ plates. These sheets are the best BBQ cleaner by keeping all of the food off of the actual barbecue plate and makes cleaning BBQ plates a breeze.
The BBQ cleaning sheets also come in larger sizes of at least 150x50cm and 100x100cm.
Wiping it is how to clean the reusable Teflon grill sheets, when you are done.
The BBQ cleaning sheets can be purchased from most BBQ stores.
How to Clean a BBQ Lava Rocks
How to clean a BBQ lava rocks saturated with old grease is not hard.
If your BBQ has lava rocks, and they become old and dirty, you could try to clean them in a bucket of hot water and dish detergent as BBQ cleaner for lava rocks.
However, the easy way to clean BBQ grill lava rocks solution is to just buy fresh lava rocks.
Replacing lava rocks once a year is probably about right.
Gas BBQ Coals
Lava rocks should not be confused with gas BBQ coals.
Lava rocks are not fuel.
Gas BBQs do not require charcoal or ‘coals’, as the heat energy is supplied by the gas.
Once-A-Year How to Clean a BBQ Grill Makeover
The best way to clean a BBQ grill thoroughly is at least once a year. The bad news is there is no really easy way of how to clean a BBQ grill interior, aside from the BBQ cleaning tips already mentioned.
Always refer to the Care & Maintenance section of your owner’s manual for BBQ cleaning advice.
Make sure you disconnect the gas bottle as the first step in how to clean a BBQ grill.
You should then disassemble the BBQ, except the gas conveying bits, and give everything a good clean.
The best way to clean a BBQ grill with baked on dirt inside is with your best BBQ cleaning brush to remove burned on food or a stainless steel paint/putty scraper, along with mild BBQ cleaning soap and warm water.
Use care for cleaning stainless steel BBQ finishes and painted surfaces.
Use care with the burners and just wipe them clean, unless some of the small burner holes are clogged. If they are, carefully clean them out with a small metal point.
The best way to BBQ cleaning grill burner holes is to use bent paper clips or metal BBQ skewers. Try to clean the blockage out and not push it inside the burner.
Cleaning the outside of your BBQ should be a much easier task. Cleaning stainless steel BBQ is a premium finish but it requires special care. Harsh BBQ cleaner chemicals can affect the finish. Mild BBQ cleaning soap and warm water is the best way how to clean stainless steel BBQ.
Rinse with clean water after cleaning stainless steel BBQ and dry the surfaces.
Use quality stainless steel BBQ cleaning products for cleaning stainless steel BBQ, to give it a nice shine.
The best way to clean a BBQ stainless steel and painted surfaces is with mild BBQ cleaner soap and warm water.
Use stainless steel polish after cleaning. Use non-scratch scrubbers with your favourite BBQ cleaner or stainless steel BBQ cleaning products, always test on a small area and follow the grain on any stainless steel.
Remember to Pre-Heat the BBQ at Next Use
The final how to clean a BBQ cleaning tip and last step to the BBQ cleaning process and the first step to the BBQ cooking process is to pre-heat the BBQ for at least 15 minutes.
This will burn off any residual dirt and grease that may have been missed and kills germs on cooking surfaces.
It will also season the cooking surfaces if you spray them with cooking oil before heating.
Pre-heating is also a good cooking practice, as it sears the meat when it first goes on the grill, making the meat more tender and juicy.
Now that you know how to clean a BBQ grill…
16 BBQ Cooking Tips for Great Grilling
1. Ice it, Cook it or Eat it
Keep it clean and keep it cold until you cook it or eat it.
Practice good food safety and preparation.
2. Oil Me Up!
You should always season the grill.
Pre-heat the clean grill and coat with cooking oil, using a brush or spray.
Close the grill and allow it to sit for about 20 minutes then wipe the grill clean with a fresh damp cloth.
The concept is the same as the seasoning of a cast iron fry pan.
3. To Be or Not to Be Open… That is the Question
So, how do you position the BBQ lid?
Just as some things are cooked on the kitchen cooktop and some in the oven, the type of food you are cooking will determine if you leave the BBQ lid up or down.
Generally speaking, do what you would do if you were cooking indoors.
4. Now We’re Cooking – Outside In
Steaks, burgers, and veggies, that need to be seared or cooked from the outside inward, should be placed directly over the burners.
A little olive oil brushed on the steak will prevent it from sticking.
Do NOT use salt on the meat before cooking, as it draws out the moisture and makes the meat dry.
If you do salt it as you start cooking, use coarse salt to get a nice salty crust.
A bit of coarse black pepper can be nice, too.
5. Stunning Striped Steaks
Always pre-heat the grill and take the meat out of the refrigerator about 15 minutes before cooking.
Sear the meat for 90 seconds on high heat and then rotate it 1/8 of a turn (45 degrees) and sear again.
This will give it an attractive crosshatch pattern, assuming you are not cooking on a flat plate grill, and help seal in the natural juices.
Remember to reduce heat to normal cooking temperature after searing.
6. I Need My Space
You should only turn the meat once. Be patient!
The meat needs room, too. Don’t overcrowd the grill or it can heat unevenly.
There should be at least 2cm between the pieces of meat.
Also, make sure you have enough gas so that the cooking session is uninterrupted.
7. No Poking, Prodding or Mashing
To retain the natural juices, don’t poke holes in the meat! This includes piercing the sausage skins.
Use long handled tongs or spatulas instead of BBQ forks.
Also, don’t mash down on meat and burgers, as it forces out the natural juices and leaves you with dried out meat.
8. Leave Me Alone… I’m Resting
Let your grilled meat “rest” for five minutes after cooking, covered loosely with foil, to ensure more tender and juicy results.
Letting the meat rest also applies to roasts and other cooked meats, as well.
9. Slow Cooking – Inside Out
Whole chickens, roasts, and most fish fillets require indirect heat.
Try preheating the grill with all burners then, when the grill is hot, turn off one side of grill, put the slow cooking food over the unlit burners and close the lid.
In effect, it becomes an oven. This will help cook the meat evenly, browning it while keeping it juicy and tender.
Use a meat thermometer, where appropriate, to determine when it is done.
10. Pouch Protector Preparation
You can use aluminium foil to create little cooking pouches for delicate foods, like fish fillets.
Cook away from the lit burners or place the pouch on the warming rack, if you have one.
11. Warm & Wonderful
You can toast bread, cook delicate foods or just keep cooked food warm by using your warming rack.
12. I’m Smokin’!!!
Wood chip smoke can enhance the flavour of your food.
You put the wood chips in a steel smoker box or in a small aluminium foil tray within the BBQ.
Hickory is a good all-round choice, if you are just starting.
Smoker boxes and wood chips can be found at BBQ specialty stores. Follow the wood chip supplier’s instructions.
13. Leftover Pizza?
Did you know that a gas grill is the perfect way to reheat pizza?
Just set the BBQ on low, preheat, put the pizza directly on the grill and close the lid.
Heat until cheese starts to melt.
14. Flare Up? Lid Down!
Use lean cuts of meat and/or trim away the fat to reduce the chance of flare ups.
Make sure the grease tray is empty before you start, too. Very high temperatures should also be avoided.
However, if it does happen, flip down the grill lid and turn OFF all burners and the gas bottle, if safe to do so.
When the flare up is over, you can resume cooking.
NEVER spray water on BBQ flare ups or on any grease fire.
15. Marvelous Marinated Meat
For more intense or varied flavours, consider using meat marinades.
You marinate the meat before you BBQ, as instructed by the marinade maker or recipe.
You can use large freezer bags for marinating.
Just put in the meat and marinade, seal and shake. Refrigerate, shaking it occasionally, until you’re ready to BBQ.
Make sure you drain off any excess marinade before cooking and do NOT pour it over the meat while cooking.
16. A Little Something on the Side
If your BBQ is equipped with a side burner, you can use it just like a kitchen cooktop.
This adds to the selection of dishes you can choose to cook outdoors.
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Steve Reynolds
Technical Consultant
Steve Reynolds is a leading expert in the LPG industry with over 22 years of experience. As part of the national management team at ELGAS, Steve ensures the safe and efficient storage, handling, and transportation of LPG. He serves as the lead investigator for incidents and collaborates with authorities on industry developments.
Steve is a technical advisor to Standards Australia and Gas Energy Australia (GEA), and an active member of the World LPG Association (WLPGA), contributing to global standards and technical reviews. He holds a BSc. (Hons) in Industrial Chemistry from UNSW and has held senior safety and technical roles at ELGAS, making him a trusted authority in LPG safety and standards.