9kg Gas Bottle Holder – Caravan Gas Bottle Holder – Caravan Gas Bottle Covers

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Home 9 SWAP’n’GO® Blogs 9 9kg Gas Bottle Holder – Caravan Gas Bottle Holder – Caravan Gas Bottle Covers

19 Apr, 2024 | SWAP’n’GO® Blogs

In this article:

There specific requirements for caravan gas bottles. Learn about proper storage and get the facts on caravan gas bottle coatings.

9kg Gas Bottle Holder – Caravan Gas Bottle Holder – Caravan Gas Bottle Covers

A 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder) is one of the requirements for caravans.
It holds the caravan gas bottle and they are connected by the caravan gas fittings to the caravan gas regulator.
They are often used in combination with caravan gas bottle covers, to protect the caravan gas bottle.
Caravan gas fittings are generally the same as those for other installations.
There have been a number of discussions on various online forums relating to the type of caravan gas bottle required.
However, the comments being shared in these forums are perpetuating urban myths that have no basis in fact.

Specifically, claims that you can only use caravan gas bottle with certain Coating Classification Codes on a caravan and that the use of the wrong caravan gas bottle could void your insurance.

There is no truth to either of these contentions.

9kg Gas Bottle Holder – Caravan Gas Bottle Holder – Caravan Gas Bottle Covers

9kg gas bottle holder - caravan gas bottle holderCaravan gas bottle must be securely held in place by a caravan gas bottle holder (9kg gas bottle holder).

A 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder) is typically made of steel and has a latch the cinches the caravan gas bottle in place.

The 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder) is built strongly enough to withstand a 4g load, in the event of accidents.

Caravan gas bottle covers are an optional form of protection.

A caravan gas bottle holder (9kg gas bottle holder) and/or a caravan gas bottle storage box are used for this purpose.

In summary:

  • There are no caravan gas bottle specific standards, including types of coatings, that apply to the caravan gas bottles themselves.
  • There are very specific requirements on how and where you store the caravan gas bottle in and on a caravan.
  • A 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder) or caravan gas bottle storage box is required for caravan gas bottle retention.
  • The total number of caravan gas bottles that you can legally carry is subject to control and can vary based on different state regulations.
  • A 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder) must withstand a 4g load.
  • Caravan gas bottle covers are popular but not required.

Learn more about the specifics and background of caravan gas bottle requirements…


The Australian Standard Explained

To explain, a bit of background is in order.
As with most urban myths, there is a bit of fact mixed in with misinformation.
The paint coatings for a caravan gas bottle is covered under AS2469-2005, in Section 11.
This caravan gas bottle Standard specifies manufacturing requirements for welded carbon and stainless steel cylinders with water capacity not less than 0.1kg or more than 150kg.
The caravan gas bottle Standard does NOT reference any application restrictions.
There are four Coating Classification Codes in this manufacturing Standard.
The Classification Codes are stamped into the neck ring of the caravan gas bottle.
Depending on the Classification Code, the number 1, 2, 3, or 4 will appear within a 10mm circle.
The lower the number, the more durable the finish.

The Caravan Gas Bottle Coating Classification Codes

Classification Code 1:

These are hot dipped galvanised caravan gas bottles.
This would be the most durable finish but these bottles could cost 3X what a normal caravan gas bottle would cost.

Classification Code 2:

A caravan gas bottle that is abrasive blasted, then coated with a base coat and a zinc rich top coat.

Classification Code 3:

These are caravan gas bottles sprayed with a single layer of a zinc coating.

Classification Code 4:

These are caravan gas bottles sprayed with a primer and a polyester top coat.
This would be the least durable finish.

There are NO Specific Requirements for a Caravan Gas Bottle – Caravan Gas Bottle Covers

In reference to the first myth, there is not, nor has there ever been a prohibition regarding the use of any Coating Classification Code gas bottle on a caravan gas bottle.
Many, many years ago there was a common sense “recommendation” suggesting that Code 4 bottles would not be ideal for continuous exposure on a caravan tow bar.
This was never a ban and even the recommendation vanished from the Standards many years ago.
We know this for a fact because the gentleman that wrote that recommendation, Steve Reynolds our Technical Advisor for this blog, was a member of the Standards Committee, and worked for Elgas for many years.
The Standards also make no reference whatsoever to the Coating Codes being for specific applications, like marine, caravans or other applications.
This is pure urban myth.
Caravan gas bottle covers have proliferated over the years, helping to prevent caravan gas bottle deterioration and making this less of a concern.
The use of caravan gas bottle covers is discretionary.

Caravan Gas Bottle Covers and Swap Change the Durability Issue

Caravan gas bottleIn addition to use of caravan gas bottle covers, the advent of swap made the issue of finish durability a moot point.
Caravan gas bottle covers protects the caravan gas bottle from stone chipping and the elements.
The padding in many models of caravan gas bottle covers protect against flying stones and debris.
SWAP’n’GO® paints more than half of the bottles that come through for refilling, making long term coating durability less of a necessity.
Also, contrary to yet another urban myth, SWAP’n’GO does not blast the finish off of the swapped bottles, unless they are already heavily corroded.
They do not compromise the original undercoat and top coat. They just spray over both with an additional top coat.

SWAP’n’GO complies with all Australian Standards for caravan gas bottles.


Caravan Gas Bottle Holder – 9kg Gas Bottle Holder Requirements

There are specific requirements for a 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder) under the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5601.2:2013 Section 3.3.

Gas bottle holderThese all apply if the caravan gas bottle is connected while the vehicle is moving:

• The caravan gas bottle needs to be mounted on the tow bar or the caravan wall that faces the towing vehicle using a 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder).

• The caravan gas bottle must be installed upright – with the valve at the top. This is the default position for a 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder).

• The caravan 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder) or carrier must be rigidly secured and able to withstand a steadily applied load equal to 4x the weight of a full caravan gas bottle.

• The 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder) or mounting method must be capable of withstanding this applied load from any direction.


Caravan Gas Bottle Storage Box or Locker

There are specific requirements for caravan gas bottle storage box, compartments or lockers under the Australian Standard AS/NZS 5601.2:2013 Section 3.4.

In summary:

  • Must only contain the secured caravan gas bottles and associated caravan gas fittings
  • No access from inside caravan and must be sealed to prevent gas vapour from entering the caravan
  • Caravan gas bottle storage box must have an unobstructed drain properly positioned to prevent gas from entering the caravan, being exposed to a source of ignition and as per the Standard
  • Caravan gas bottle storage box must be water and corrosion resistant
  • Not contain any electrical equipment, batteries or other source of ignition
  • Caravan gas bottle storage box must have the specified warning sign

Note that this is only a summary.  Please be sure to see the Standard for the full caravan gas bottle storage box requirements


No Insurance Issues Based on Coatings

The supposed insurance requirement is just another myth.
There are no grounds for an insurance company to reject a claim on the basis of the caravan gas bottle Coating Classification Code.
This is because there is no caravan gas bottle Standard or legal requirement for any specific Coating Classification Code for a caravan application.
In addition, we have never seen such a clause in any policy and the LPG industry association would almost surely oppose any such arbitrary and capricious clause.
If anyone actually has a policy that states this, we would love to see a copy!

How to Test for Gas Leaks


A Real Issue That Could Affect Your Insurance

In reading the online forums, there was another issue of GREAT SAFETY CONCERN that actually could affect your insurance.
Contributors make mention of having 6, 8 or as many as 12 caravan gas bottles.

State Regulations and the Number of Caravan Gas Bottles

Separate from the Australian Standards, there are various state regulations that limit the number of caravan gas bottles you can carry in a private vehicle.
You are only allowed to transport larger gas bottles (9 kg or more) in an enclosed vehicle if you are taking them to be refilled or exchanged.
The maximum bottle size allowed is 30L (13.5 kg) and you can only transport two gas bottles at any time.
The regulation does not specify the type of enclosed vehicle so the regulation would be applicable to all vehicles with enclosures.
If you are caught violating applicable regulations in any State, you may be fined or otherwise penalised, depending upon the State.
The underlying issue here is that it is not safe to store or transport gas bottles in any enclosure, vehicular or stationary, regardless of the regulations or penalties.
Looking for ways around these rules, regulations, laws or guidelines is just not wise.
We should all be focusing on safety as our first priority.

Non-Compliance Could Mean Lost Insurance Coverage

In addition, an insurance company could be within their rights to deny coverage if you make a claim while you are breaking the law by carrying too many caravan gas bottles.
This would be especially true if there was a fire in which the extra caravan gas bottles contributed to the blaze.
Caravan owners should observe the relevant State laws regarding caravan gas bottle quantities transported.
In addition, caravan gas bottles should only be transported in an external caravan gas bottle holder – 9kg gas bottle holder or secured in a purpose built, ventilated and ignition source free compartment / caravan gas bottle storage box.
Details of these installation requirements are specified in AS5601.2-2010.
Caravan gas bottles should never be stored in any other enclosed compartment within the caravan.

Caravan Gas Regulator – Caravan Gas Fittings

Caravan Gas Heaters – Caravan Gas Oven – Caravan Gas Stove – Caravan Generator

The caravan gas bottles, held in the 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder), are connected by caravan gas fittings to the various gas appliances including caravan gas heaters, the caravan gas stove, caravan gas oven and the caravan gas hot water system.
Caravan gas fittings include the caravan gas regulator and caravan gas hose.
You can even get a caravan gas fridge and caravan generator, allowing you to comfortably camp almost anywhere.

Caravan Gas Heaters or Diesel Heater

There are good caravan heaters available as either caravan gas heaters or diesel heaters.

For me, there are two notable advantages for choosing a caravan gas heater:

1. With a caravan gas heater, you already have the fuel supply on-board.  There is no need to provide for another fuel type, another tank and another fuel system (piping, pump, etc.)

2. World Health Organisation: “Diesel Exhaust is Carcinogenic”

All of this was announced, back in 2012, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO).

IARC has the task of identifying causes of cancer.

IARC says diesel exhaust is “carcinogenic to humans”.

Their conclusion was unanimous, based on “compelling” scientific evidence.

Diesel exhaust fumes are classified as a Group 1 carcinogen, along with smoking, asbestos and other dangerous substances.


The Great 9kg vs 8.5kg Gas Bottle Puzzlement

Many people wonder why some BBQ gas bottles are labelled as “9kg” while others are labelled as “8.5kg” when they look the same?
The fact is that they are one in the same.
Then, the obvious question is “Why are they labelled differently?”

Variation is the Norm – No Standard Sizing

The filling of nominal “9kg” bottles with 8.5kg of gas was a safety initiative of the Australian LPG industry.
The same is true of “4kg” bottles being filled with 3.7kg of gas.  But why?
Unfortunately, there are many LPG bottles that are labelled as 9kg or 4kg that are actually manufactured undersize, with less than the labelled capacity.
This is a result of the manufacturing and design variances amongst the many manufacturers of gas bottles that are imported, into Australia, from many countries around the world.
Surprisingly, Australia has no mandatory standard sizing, so they are all approved for sale.
This can be an issue with a 9kg gas bottle holder (caravan gas bottle holder), as they may not fit properly.

20% Oversized for Expansion SWAP'n'GO® gas bottle-cylinder diagram showing ullage

LPG bottles are designed to be full while allowing 20% of the space, called “ullage”, for the natural expansion of the LPG.
Filling undersized bottles to a full 9kg or 4kg, thus leaving less than 20% ullage, would create a safety issue.
Overfilling can result in gas venting from the pressure relief valves.
This is especially true in the warm Australian climate.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

However, filling undersized gas bottles correctly and safely meant that the Australian suppliers were misrepresenting the contents as 9kg or 4kg, when it was actually less.
This put the industry in the untenable position of being either unsafe or misrepresenting the quantity of gas provided.
Neither of these options was acceptable.

The Solution

The solution was to take into account the cylinder size variations and standardise on 8.5kg and 3.7kg refills.
This allows for the size variances between bottles and prevents any unsafe overfilling.
To make sure that consumers are fully informed, the bottles are labelled accordingly.

What About Refilling Instead of Swap?

Unlike SWAP’n’GO® bottles, which are filled by weight on digital scales, refilling is done by decanting.
The operator fills the bottle until some starts leaking out of the bleed screw.
Refilling can result in either overfilling or under filling, as well as correct filling, depending on the gas cylinder and the operator filling it.

Dip Tube VariationsGas bottle valves with dip tube variations

In addition to the cylinder size variances, there can be variances in the dip tube lengths.
Dip tubes can even be missing or have fallen out of the bottom of the valve.
The accompanying picture shows some examples.
Dip tubes lengths are important because they are connected to the bleed screws.
The refill operator opens the bleed screw and fills the cylinder until the level of LPG reaches the bottom of the dip tube, at which point liquid LPG will start to bleed out.
This is his signal that the cylinder is full.
If the operator is slow to stop the flow, the result can be dangerous overfilling.
Long dip tubes can result in under filling.
Short or missing dip tubes will cause overfilling.
A missing dip tube is the worst case scenario, as the entire ullage space would be filled, allowing no room for expansion.
This is one of the reasons that swap is a much safer alternative, as dip tube variances have no effect when filling by weight on digital scales.
I was asked about yet another myth that I hadn’t even heard before.
In this one, swap cylinder gas contained an additive (no details on what or why) that over time contributed to the blocking of gas hoses and regulators.
There is absolutely no truth to this.
The only additive used with any LPG – Liquefied Petroleum Gas –  is the stenching agent, used for safety reasons.
It is added equally to all LPG regardless of use.  The only exception is LPG used as a propellant.
Having stinky hairspray would not go over big!


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Steve Reynolds

Technical Consultant

Steve Reynolds is a leading expert in the LPG industry with over 22 years of experience. As part of the national management team at ELGAS, Steve ensures the safe and efficient storage, handling, and transportation of LPG. He serves as the lead investigator for incidents and collaborates with authorities on industry developments.

Steve is a technical advisor to Standards Australia and Gas Energy Australia (GEA), and an active member of the World LPG Association (WLPGA), contributing to global standards and technical reviews. He holds a BSc. (Hons) in Industrial Chemistry from UNSW and has held senior safety and technical roles at ELGAS, making him a trusted authority in LPG safety and standards.