We’re a forklift truck gas bottle supplier including forklift gas in 15kg forklift gas bottle and 18kg forklift gas bottle.

Forklift Gas Bottles for Forklift Truck – Forklift Gas Bottle Supply – Forklift Gas

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Supply of Forklift Gas Bottles for Forklift Truck – Forklift Gas Bottle Exchange – Forklift Gas

Forklift gas bottles for forklift truck (forklift gas bottle) contain LPG (forklift gas) that is liquified under pressure for storage in either an 18kg forklift gas bottle or 15kg forklift gas bottle.

Gas bottles for forklift truck (forklift gas bottle) deliver liquid LPG to the forklift gas engine, not gaseous LPG.

Get forklift gas bottle refill supplied in your choice of two ways when you need a forklift gas bottle:

  1. Forklift Gas Bottle Refill Exchange
  2. Bulk Forklift Gas for Forklift Gas Bottle Refill Near You Onsite

ELGAS is Australia’s leading forklift gas bottle supplier. We keep your gas forklifts moving with 15kg forklift gas bottle or 18kg forklift gas bottle supply

The ELGAS forklift gas bottle exchange service is designed specifically to support small forklift gas fleets.

Ideal for businesses that need reliable forklift gas bottle supply but have minimal forklift gas bottle storage.

Bulk forklift gas for forklift gas bottle refill near you onsite is great for larger users of forklift truck gas bottles.

You get a bulk forklift gas storage tank and optional powered pump systems to fill the forklift gas bottles.

With more than 1,000 branches and depots across Australia for local forklift gas bottle refill nearby, ELGAS can establish a new site quickly with gas bottles for forklift truck (forklift gas bottle).

Our local customer account managers will arrange a suitable forklift gas bottle storage cage or other forklift gas bottle storage and signage to ensure your site is safe and compliant.

ELGAS forklift truck gas bottles (forklift gas bottle) are inspected each time one is filled, and our forklift gas filling stations are Weights & Measures approved.

It’s no wonder that ELGAS is the preferred forklift gas bottle supplier for fleet and operations managers across Australia.




Local Forklift Gas Bottle Refill Exchange Service for 15kg Forklift Gas Bottle or 18kg Forklift Gas Bottle

  • Order your 15kg forklift gas bottle, 18kg forklift gas bottle from our local forklift gas bottle refill today and we will deliver forklift gas bottles to your business tomorrow.
  • Local branches provide forklift gas bottle refill near you for fast delivery
  • ELGAS takes your empty forklift truck gas bottles and replaces them with full gas bottles for forklift truck
  • Regular forklift gas bottle milk run delivery service to keep you moving
  • Our forklift gas bottle (forklift gas cylinder) exchange service requires little space
  • There are two options to get your forklift gas bottles with 18kg forklift gas bottle and 15kg forklift gas bottle size
  • Establish a new forklift gas bottle site quickly with forklift truck gas bottles (no installation delays and costs)
  • Our gas bottles for forklift truck (forklift gas bottle) are inspected each time they are filled
  • Contents of the forklift gas bottle are controlled by electronic filling

Forklift Gas Bottle – What is a Forklift Gas Bottle?

A forklift gas bottle is a pressure vessel for storing, transporting and supplying forklift gas to the forklift engine.

forklift gas bottlesA forklift gas bottle is typically made from steel or aluminium which is drawn, pressed and/or welded into a cylindrical shape.

There is a threaded opening in one end for the attachment of a gas valve to control the release of the forklift gas contained in the forklift gas bottle.

The forklift gas bottle is unique in two ways.

Unlike other gas bottles that are stored and used in a vertical position, a forklift gas bottle is stored and used horizontally.

There are special brackets on the back of the forklift that hold it in the horizontal position.

The other unique feature is that a forklift gas bottle is a liquid withdrawal gas bottle, as opposed to most gas bottles that are vapour withdrawal.

Forklift gas bottle contains forklift gas, which is LPG (propane), in Australia.

In Australia, the most common forklift gas bottle size are the 15kg forklift gas bottle and the 18kg forklift gas bottle.

Forklift Gas Bottle Safety

Forklift gas bottle safety involves always wearing your PPE including long sleeves, fully enclosed shoes, PVC coated gloves and eye protection when handling a forklift gas bottle. It also includes proper forklift gas bottle storage.

If your company chooses to do onsite forklift gas bottle refill, ELGAS will provide training for safe forklift gas bottle refill procedures.

Separate from the forklift gas bottle issues, forklift operators are required to have training and a valid forklift license.

Forklift Gas Bottle Sizes: 15kg Forklift Gas Bottle & 18kg Forklift Gas Bottle

Forklift gas bottles for forklift truck sizes include the 15kg forklift gas bottle and the 18kg forklift gas bottle.

The 15kg forklift gas bottle is made from aluminium for lightweight and ease of lifting.

The 18kg forklift gas bottle is made from steel and lasts longer, with 20% more capacity than the 15kg forklift gas bottle.

Both sizes of forklift truck gas bottles for forklift truck contain the same forklift gas and both can have forklift gas bottle refill near you.

Forklift Gas Bottle Storage – Forklift Gas Bottle Cage

forklift gas bottle storage cageForklift gas bottle storage is can be done with the forklift gas bottles standing vertically (valve end up).

Forklift gas bottle storage can be done with a built-for-purpose forklift gas bottle cage or more generic forklift gas bottle racks.

The forklift gas bottle cage should have the appropriate signage for forklift gas bottle safety.

Forklift Truck Gas Consumption: How Long Does a Forklift Gas Bottle Last?

A forklift gas bottle will typically last 6 to 8 hours, depending on the size of the forklift truck gas engine.

As you would probably surmise, a four-cylinder forklift truck gas engine will last longer than a six-cylinder forklift truck gas engine, as forklift truck gas consumption would be less.

Toyota states that a four-cylinder forklift truck gas engine should run for 8 hours while a V6 would expect to run for 6 hours.

Other factor affecting forklift truck gas consumption include work intensity (e.g. double load carriers), traveling longer distances, and the forklift truck gas engine’s state of tune.

Forklift Gas Bottle Refill Near Me with Onsite LPG

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Bulk Forklift Truck Gas Bottles – Forklift Gas Bottle Refill Near You Onsite – Great Bulk Forklift Truck Gas Prices

  • You can do forklift gas bottle refill near you onsite at any time
  • Get great bulk forklift truck gas prices for forklift gas
  • Bulk LPG forklift gas bottle refill deliveries, by tanker, into a forklift gas storage vessel for onsite refilling of your forklift gas bottles
  • Forklift gas bottle refill training from a certified trainer
  • Forklift gas bottle safety and training manuals and regular forklift truck gas safety checks

ELGAS Offers 3 Bulk Options for Forklift Gas Bottle Refill Near You Onsite with Bulk Forklift Truck Gas:

  1. Do forklift gas bottle refill near you by decanting onsite for smaller forklift gas quantities from bulk forklift truck gas.
  2. Modular refill 820 and 1640 litre forklift gas pump units for a medium forklift gas bottles for forklift truck (forklift gas bottle) load
  3. Up to 6,000-litre forklift gas storage with fast filling 3 phase pumps for larger forklift gas bottles for forklift truck (forklift gas bottle) loads


Forklift Truck Gas Bottles – Removal & Installation

Forklift Gas Bottle (forklift gas cylinder) Removal Process

1. Make sure you park the forklift in a safe designated area for changing the forklift gas bottle. Make sure there is NO SMOKING or other ignition source in the area.

2. Always wear your PPE: includes long sleeves, fully enclosed shoes, PVC coated gloves and eye protection when handling a forklift gas bottle.

3. Turn the empty forklift gas bottle clockwise to the off position.

4. Disconnect the forklift gas line by unscrewing the connector anti-clockwise. Be aware a small amount of forklift gas may be released from the gas line when disconnected.

5. Release the brackets that hold the forklift gas bottle.

6. Remove the empty forklift gas bottle from the forklift. Be sure to use safe lifting procedures when lifting forklift truck gas bottles (forklift gas bottle).

7. Place empty forklift gas bottle down using the safe lifting procedure.

8. Store the empty forklift gas bottle in your designated safe forklift gas bottle storage area. Always store in an upright position, even if you believe the forklift gas bottle to be empty.

Remember to call us on 131 161 to order more forklift gas



Forklift Gas Bottle (forklift gas cylinder) Installation Process

1. Once again, be sure to wear the specified PPE. Check forklift gas cylinder date. A forklift gas bottle must have a current inspection date. The most current date stamp on a forklift gas bottle must not be older than 10 years.

2. Be sure the main valve on the full forklift gas bottle is fully OFF. Check the O-rings in the connectors to be sure they are in good condition.

3. Using safe lifting procedures, place the full forklift gas bottle centered in the brackets, on forklift.

4. With the Pressure Relief Valve located at the 12 o’clock position. When properly situated, secure the forklift gas cylinder by engaging the brackets. Make sure the straps on the forklift gas bottle are tight and secure.

5. Connect the gas line to the forklift gas bottle. Turn firmly clockwise to tighten the connection.

6. Turn the main gas valve ON in an anti-clockwise direction.

7. Spray the assembly with a soapy water solution to check for any possible leaks.  If you see any bubbling or smell any gas, turn the forklift gas cylinder valve OFF and recheck the connection and O-rings.

Do NOT leave the forklift gas bottle valve turned ON or operate the forklift if you cannot fix the leak.

If There is an Emergency Relating to Your Forklift Truck Gas Bottles (forklift gas bottle)

Emergency response number: 1800 819 783 or check for a number listed on your forklift gas bottle.

Elgas can be contacted 24 hours a day on: 131 161

For Emergencies (Police, Fire or Ambulance) contact 000

Our other business benefits and services

Site engineering support

ELGAS technicians and engineers are familiar with all the relevant Australian Standards, Industry Codes and State or Territory safety guidelines. Our New Business Managers are available to connect you with the right local engineers or technicians to assist in the early design and layout phase, and then to coordinate everything needed for your site installation and commissioning, including training your site team.

Equipment testing and maintenance

ELGAS is an industry leader in safety and compliance, with company specific software developed to oversee the recording, management and maintenance of all LPG storage assets in accordance with strict internal standards that exceed regulatory obligations. A national maintenance hotline activates national support services, with an internal national emergency response procedure in place to ensure 24/7 network security and integrity.

ELGAS Supply Surety

Continuity of Supply

Our state-of-the-art ELGAS Cavern is the largest LPG storage facility in the Southern Hemisphere, with more than 65,000t of LPG ensuring security of supply for all ELGAS customers. This provides 60 days of LPG contingency reserves to meet demand following a major or unplanned disruption to local (domestic) production. This thereby equips us to provide dependable LPG supply to all our business customers.

Why choose ELGAS for your forklift gas?

* Gas bottle delivery charges may apply for some select ELGAS Branches and Agents. Call your local ELGAS Team on 131 161 to confirm.  ** Terms and conditions apply